Life is too short to be unwell or constantly tired or to age too quickly
Introducing LIFE*; a functional food blend based on wild foods of the World's longest living culture.
Sustained Energy
Reduced carb cravings
Healthy gut flora
* LIFE (Lyophilized Indigenous Food Essentials)™ is a freeze-dried, whole food blend of 16 wild foods (over 60% by weight) and over a dozen other nutrient-dense, functional ingredients.
Good health can be a battle or a breeze
Being ill or in pain, feeling exhausted and seeing life rush past you really is no fun.
Rediscover your youthful vitality. We all deserve to live long and still be full of vigour and free from the many diseases of nutrition.
I know what it's like. Turning 50 was my wake-up call. I had my first gout attacks. I was over-weight and began to notice aches and pains in my joints.
Fatigue, lacklustre libido, wrinkly, less elastic skin with dark spots appearing, 'sometimers' (senior's moments) and my eyesight was deteriorating.
Were these life-draining conditions inescapable facts of ageing?
It is all about getting on the top line and staying there because time robs us of the chance to keep our health from deteriorating.
Do nothing and you will end up on the line headed for being old, worn out, frail and dependent.
Good health can be a battle or a breeze
“BP is up.”
“You could do with losing a bit of weight.”
“Looks like you are pre-diabetic.”
“Cholesterol is a bit high.”
“Maybe we should look into your diet?”
“I see early signs of a few other things we need to address too."

You can avoid your concerns from a future on prescription drugs. I help you address your health and ageing issues. You can escape the fear of becoming fragile and decrepit. Avoid the burden on your partner or your family if your memories fade and you end up dependent on them for the basics of life.
Remember, we are in our current state of unwellness because of the food industry, our over-population and our reliance on just 17 species of modern, highly selected plant foods. Before agriculture, we lived within the carrying capacity of our village and surrounding countryside. We foraged for an average of 400 plant species for our nutrition and these plants were adapted for survival in the wild. We evolved with these kinds of plant foods.
Discover how the wild foods of the World’s longest living culture can solve a lot of your health issues and wind back the clock - one teaspoonful at a time.
How I discovered that it didn’t need to be this way.
Research into the impressive health of Indigenous Australians, Africans and Americans in their traditional lifestyles led to a Eureka moment as I continued my own lab work at Sydney University's Human Nutrition Unit working on the nutritional values of wild foods.
Let me tell you about what I call, food essentials. These are phytonutrients which I often describe as being like tiny superheroes which get into our body and change, adjust, protect and heal our tissues and cells and tweaking how things run.
So where do these superheroes come from?
Well, plants that are in their natural, wild environments are exposed to all sorts of conditions during their growth. It might be water availability or sunlight exposure, fungal attack or grazing insects or animals. It might be smoke or slow, cool (not cremating) fires, or flooding and inundation. It might even be their unique location such as under a man-made hole in the ozone layer up in the stratosphere.
And so we get phytonutrients if we eat wild and near-wild plants that are well armed for their survival. The bad news is that these essential elements are low to zero in plants that are bred for distribution, for their appearance in grocery displays or to suit factory farming methods, not for our ideal nutrition. Modern foods are failing us and we need to add back wild foods with which we evolved.